Here is a brief overview of the controls and commands:
The WASD keys for movement, QE will strafe. Also, pressing both mouse buttons together will move forward. Pressing mouse button 3 will toggle auto-run.
Holding the right mouse button will let the mouse control look & movement direction.
Holding the left mouse button will allow you to rotate the camera look direction without changing your movement direction.
Targeting & Interacting
F1 will target yourself
F2-F6 will target party members
1-9,0,-,= will trigger their respective slots on the action bar
Shift-# will change your action bar page
Left clicking on an entity will target it only
Right clicking on an entity will interact with it (attack, talk, etc)
/s to "say" a message (local range)
/y to "yell" a message
/# will allow you to send a message to the chat channel
/p will send a message to your group
/w (name) will send a whisper tell to a specific person
/em (text) will send a text based emote
/3 sends a message to the Help chat channel
/4 sends a message to the Faction chat (Ourobani/Kujix/Asharr) channel
/5 sends a message to the Family (Your faction family) channel
/6 sends a message to the PvP World Defense channel
/invite will invite the person you have targeted into your party
/invite (name) will invite that person to your party
/gsign (name) will invite a player to sign your guild charter (once purchased). You can do this from any distance.
/ginvite (name) will invite that player into your guild
G - Will open the guild panel
Other key commands:
T - Toggle melee attack on what you have targeted. This does the same thing as using the "Attack" action
I - Show your study page
P - Show your action book. You can use actions by left clicking them in the book or drag them to your action bar
K - Show your skills
L - Show your quest log
C - Show your character information
B - Open your first bag
Shift-B - Open all your bags
M - Show the world map. Right click to zoom out a level.
Alt-Z will toggle the UI.
Esc - Show the main menu
World Map:
At the lowest level (the realm map), the map is revealed in a "fog of war" style. This means as you explore, the map detail
will be revealed, and you will be able to tell, from looking at the map, where you have and haven't exported yet.
There are a large number of emotes working, though we won't list them all in this document. A few examples are "/wave", "/point", "/joke", "/silly" etc.
NPCs with quests to give you, or that you can turn in, will show on your minimap. They will also have icons (that look like books) floating over them.
For additional information see our Tutorial in the Library